HSPLS Announces 2011 Award Winners
The Hawaii State Public Library System (HSPLS) announces the selection of Stewart Chun, Section Head, Federal Documents Section, Hawaii State Library, as the 2011 HSPLS Employee of the Year.
Stewart Chun, 2011 Employee of the Year
Chun has distinguished himself both within HSPLS and throughout the broader library community in Hawaii. As Section Head, Chun actively encourages personnel training, professional development and ongoing dialogue among his staff members. He is a creative thinker, who has spearheaded the Patent and Trademark Depository Library Program, has undertaken the retroactive inventory of his Section's collection, and has implemented and supervised the Passport Acceptance Facility at the Hawaii State Library which, as an enhanced service, has generated nearly $60,000 for the HSPLS Special Fund this year alone.
Chun, an 18-year HSPLS employee, has also served Hawaii's library community as a Board Member of the UH Library and Information Science Alumni Group, a member of the ALA Government Documents Round Table, and as Vice President and now President of the Hawaii Library Association.
As HSPLS Employee of the Year, Chun was honored on October 14 at the Governor's Award Ceremony in the State Capitol Auditorium.
Fina Riviera, 2011 Sustained Superior Performance Award Winner
Fina Rivera, Janitor II, Ewa Beach Public and School Library, is the 2011 Sustained Superior Performance Award winner. Rivera has been a valued and respected member of the Ewa Beach Library staff for more than 30 years, and has brightened countless days for her fellow staff members with her cheery greetings and disposition. In addition to her regular work responsibilities, Rivera is always ready to pitch in to help make the library a happier place, and is always willing to assume additional projects, such as caring for the plants in the library's atrium or decorating the library for every major holiday. Rivera's contributions to the library are immeasurable, and, as her nomination indicates, "Fina's eventual retirement will be a day of mourning for the Ewa Beach Public and School Library staff."