- Select public library branches are accepting donations. Please check with your local branch.
- FLH Warehouse –
- Iwilei – 501 Sumner St., in Honolulu, 96817. By appointment. Find the appointment form below.
- FLH Warehouse – Monday – Friday – 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. By appointment. The appointment form is below.
- Excluding State Holidays.
What do we Accept?:
- All Hawaiiana and Pacific materials regardless of condition
- Any vintage materials that are likely to have significant value, regardless of condition
- Books
- Art – Paintings, Prints, Lithographs, Posters, Sculpture . . .
- Records/Vinyl
- Cassette Tapes
- CDʻs
- DVDʻs
- Maps
- Puzzles
- Games
What we Donʻt Accept:
- VHS Tapes
- Damaged Materials – broken spines, loose pages, hi-lighted or written-in, torn
- Materials with excessive discoloration
- No Materials that are moldy, dirty or infested with insects (Use the rule of thumb – if you would not want them in your house, no one else would either)
- Textbooks, encyclopedias, medical, and law books more than five (5) years old
- Government reports, pamphlets, binders, etc.
- Magazines *(Exceptions: Hawaiian or Pacific subjects)
- Travel books more than ten (10) years old unless they have many pictures or appear to have literary value. *(Exceptions: If the books cover Hawai‘i or the Pacific)
- All Hawaiiana and Pacific Materials
- Any materials that appear to have or may have significant value. i.e. vintage books
Donations to Friends of the Library of Hawai‘i are tax-deductible. Friends of the Library of Hawai‘i is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization approved by Section 501 (c)(3) of the IRC.
All donations to FLH are used for the support and promotion of the Hawai‘i State Public Library System. Friends of the Library of Hawai‘i is primarily staffed by volunteers who sort and price donations.
Material that is not considered saleable or any excess is:
- Donated to other non-profits,
- Recycled if possible,
- Or must be disposed of at a cost to FLH.
Please be aware of these additional costs which mean less support for the libraries. To avoid unnecessary sorting and expense, please only donate materials that fall under our accepted guidelines shown above. Mahalo for your support!
Book & Media Pick up – Temporarily Unavailable
Please click on the link to fill out the request form. FLH will pick-up your books and media ONLY if you have 10 boxes or more due to time restrictions and number of requests. Boxed books should be accessible at the front door and boxes should weigh no more than 30lbs.